While the success of our college program is impressive, we know that public education remains a critical space in need of serious investment. Graduating with minimum debt—or none at all—is the game changer for our community, impacting a student’s entire life trajectory.
Urban Arts, in partnership with the Mayor’s Office and the City University of New York (CUNY), launched Gaming Pathways, a four-year, public-option Digital Game Design Degree. Our students, freshly qualified and encouraged in the digital space, can attend City College’s new program, graduate with no or minimal debt, and embark into NYC’s booming digital economy with local, high-paying jobs. It’s Tech Without Debt. Local Title 1 high school students can now define their own futures within NYC’s $2B digital sector.
Contact info@urbanarts.org to learn more.
“New York City has always been the center of innovation, but it is time that New York City level up and finally become a leader in the digital gaming space,” said New York City Mayor Eric Adams.

“It’s time to take advantage of all the talent we have here in New York by investing in the future of gaming. This $2 million investment will help us reach more than 1,000 students over the next three years and diversify the gaming field. This is how we get stuff done for our young people and for New York City!”
“We are thrilled to be a founding partner on this groundbreaking initiative,” said Philip Courtney, CEO. “At Urban Arts, we are committed to helping New York City public school defy the odds and define their futures. With this game-changing initiative, we have an unprecedented opportunity to create pathways for our talented students to contribute to New York’s, and their own, economic success.”
“Gaming Pathways provides New York City students with a first-rate opportunity to access high-paying careers, while expressing their creativity in the city they love and call home,” said Kevin Wright, Chief Growth Officer.
“With these announcements today, this administration affirms its commitment to NYC’s Digital Games Industry, a sector that plays a major role in our city’s economy, supporting 7,600 jobs, $762 million in wages, and $2 billion in economic output,” said Deputy Mayor of Economic and Workforce Development Maria Torres-Springer. “Our new Industry Council will inform future economic development and inclusion efforts, while our partnership with CUNY will provide NYC students a strategic pathway to careers in these fields. This is a milestone moment in this city’s mission to drive inclusive growth and write the next chapter for NYC’s tech sector.”

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