We train teachers across the nation to integrate the arts and technology into their classrooms, generating a comfort and a confidence in underrepresented students so they can imagine a future in STEM.
In partnership with schools and educators, Urban Arts uses art and game design as an engaging and effective way to get students excited about STEM careers. We share innovative workshops, evidence-based curriculum, and cutting edge technology, making these resources accessible for schools that may otherwise have limited capabilities and budgets.
For more information, please contact our Chief Program Officer Amy Patterson at amy.patterson@urbanarts.org.
Game On We partner with schools around the U.S. to leverage an Advanced Placement Computer Science Principles class and intensive Professional Learning series using our custom Game On curriculum. We work alongside high school teachers to help students use the Unity platform to enhance their computer science skills through game design while preparing for the APCompSci exam. This research is funded by a $4 million Education, Innovation, and Research (EIR) Grant from the U.S. Department of Education.
Teachers and schools may apply for Game On here.
100% of Game On teachers reported feeling more confident with AP CompSci content through game design.

Creative Coders We are thrilled to share that in December 2023, Urban Arts received its THIRD highly competitive $4M, Education Innovation and Research (EIR) grant from the U.S. Department of Education for our new Creative Coders initiative. Creative Coders will expand our successful high school computer science (CS) programming to middle school students through video game design. Teachers are supported in teaching a middle school Introduction to Computer Science course using a rigorous curriculum in partnership with Minecraft Education. We will partner with 70+ schools and 3,450 students over the next four years.
Interested? Fill out our Creative Coders Interest Form.
93% of teachers said that our curriculum was an engaging way to teach students computer science.
The Urban Arts team and their expertly developed resources have made my job significantly easier, helping me deliver rigorous, engaging Computer Science instruction to students of all levels and backgrounds. Not sure how I’d do it without their support!
To help and inspire others is the motivation for teaching. Game On empowers the creative and logical to perform at high levels. The next generation will be able to excel far beyond their expectations thanks to technology.
I became a teacher to inspire students to believe that there was no barrier they could not overcome. Inspiring the next generation of computer scientists, no matter their gender, learning style, cultural or socio-economic background is satisfying within itself. With Game On, I had the opportunity to gamify education. I’m always looking for techniques to improve my teaching and to inspire students in a unique way. I enjoy the connection between CS concepts and Real Life scenarios as an intro to the subject is great. Students’ faces when a concept clicks is priceless.
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